Group 3

Video stories

Through these videos people with disability tell their stories and experiences about their journey including finding housing that is right for them.

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Let’s meet Katy

Katy moved out of residential aged care where she had lived for a period of time in her 30s.

Aaron’s story

Aaron was working as an electrician, when he was hit by a train at the age of 24. He sustained a traumatic brain injury.

Simone’s story

“Now I am finally living in my SDA [specialist disability accommodation] home, and I couldn’t be happier.”

The Summer Foundation connected with people with disability to share their personal stories of living in aged care.

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Found 14 Results

March 2023

Meet Christie

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Christie talks about what SDA means to her.

November 2022

Summary of NDIS Participant Survey Results

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In partnership with People With Disability Australia, the Summer Foundation conducted research into people’s experience of the NDIS. The research aimed to understand what works well in the NDIS, how it has made a difference to people’s lives and what they would change about the NDIS.

September 2022

Meet Kirsty – an NDIS participant from South Australia

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Kirsty lives in an SDA apartment in Adelaide with her cat schmooka, she is an artist. Kirsty shares her experience with the NDIS.


September 2022

Meet Trevor – an NDIS participant from South Australia

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Trevor has just moved into his SDA apartment after a long wait for approval, he shares his NDIS experience.

February 2022

How support from the NDIS has helped others

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NDIS participants speak about how the NDIS has helped them live the life they want to live.


January 2022

Andrew’s story – What life is like in aged care

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Andrew tells us what life is like for him as a young person living in aged care and what the barriers are for him to leave aged care.

February 2020

Living independently ‘Trevor chooses how he wants to live’

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Linda, Trevor’s Mum, shares how Trevor’s life has changed since he chose to live independently with support in an SDA apartment.

February 2020

Linda offers her advice on looking for SDA

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Linda explains clearly the steps involved when looking for SDA.
She highlights the impact on her son, Trevor and herself since
he moved into an SDA apartment.

December 2019

Sam Shares ‘things that helped me move’

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Sam has moved from a group home into an SDA apartment. Sam would like to share with others things that helped this move. “We don’t know what we could be, but it is a lot more than they expect.”

November 2019

Shanais living independently in an SDA Apartment

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Shanais describes how life changing it is to be living independently in an accessible apartment in Melbourne.

October 2019

Ben’s journey to independence

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Cheryl and Gary describe their son, Ben’s journey to independence.

June 2019

Carol & Kevin support their daughter through her SDA journey

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Kirby had to move home to live with her parents after her injury. It was always Kirby’s dream to return to independent living. Carol and Kevin share their journey of supporting Kirby through the SDA process.

May 2019

Penny’s story

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After a hospital stay and her husband no longer her carer, Penny was unable to return home. She put in a change of circumstances to the NDIS. Penny now says her supports enable her to live the life she wants to live.

April 2019

Kirby’s SDA journey to her new home

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Kirby finally has her own space again, making her own choices. See how SDA has helped Kirby’s dream to live independently again in her own home.

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