Group 3
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November 2021

Storytellers with lived experience strengthening opportunities for people with disability to live independently – Co-design project

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Traditionally, people with disability have been co-located in shared living environments such as group homes and residential aged care, or with family when available. In the context of acquired disabilities, discharge pathways from
hospital to home can be challenging, with many people who have sustained a spinal cord injury or acquired brain injury being unable to return to their pre-injury homes, and finding themselves living in shared living environments.


The aim of this co-design project was to create a series of tools to build the capacity of people with disability to make informed decisions about housing options.


D’Cruz, K., de Costa, M., Winkler, D. Douglas, J. (2021). Storytellers with lived experience strengthening opportunities for people with disability to live independently: A co-design project. Summer Foundation and La Trobe University.

February 2020

Living independently ‘Trevor chooses how he wants to live’

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Linda, Trevor’s Mum, shares how Trevor’s life has changed since he chose to live independently with support in an SDA apartment.

November 2019

Shanais living independently in an SDA Apartment

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Shanais describes how life changing it is to be living independently in an accessible apartment in Melbourne.

October 2019

Ben’s journey to independence

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Cheryl and Gary describe their son, Ben’s journey to independence.

June 2019

Carol & Kevin support their daughter through her SDA journey

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Kirby had to move home to live with her parents after her injury. It was always Kirby’s dream to return to independent living. Carol and Kevin share their journey of supporting Kirby through the SDA process.

April 2019

Kirby’s SDA journey to her new home

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Kirby finally has her own space again, making her own choices. See how SDA has helped Kirby’s dream to live independently again in her own home.