Group 3


We are home to one of Australia’s leading disability research teams.

Our research delivers a practical and rigorous evidence base to transform housing and living support options for people who need access to 24/7 support.

Every decision we make is based on the evidence from the research we undertake internally and with our academic partners. 

Our research team consists of academics and clinicians working on more than 25 projects across the disability, health and housing sectors. The team collaborates with universities and government, with findings regularly published in reports, conferences and peer-reviewed journals. 

Research library

In our research library you will find research on topics that are important to the disability and housing sectors, including our work with young people in aged care, people with complex support needs, and disability housing and supports. 

We use our research to understand the issues in the sector that prevent people with disability living a good life. We also use it to inform sector professionals and policy-makers, and influence policy reform. 

Our most recent research reflects our commitment to understanding and activating innovation and change in disability housing, living and supports. We continue to do research into areas including the delivery of supports, what transitioning to independent living looks like, hospital discharge processes, SDA providers and alternatives to shared housing.

Home and Living Outcome Framework

La Trobe University and the Summer Foundation are investigating the experiences, outcomes and economic impact of people with disability moving into specialist disability accommodation (SDA).

Participate in our research

The Summer Foundation Research Program relies on the generous people who volunteer their time and experience to help us understand the issues affecting people with disability with complex support needs.

If you’re interested in any of our research projects, we would love to hear from you.

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