Group 3

Hospital resources

The resources on this page are for people with disability and their supporters to assist in understanding how the hospital system and the NDIS intersect. There is information about discharging from hospital, as well as separating health supports from disability supports.

Housing resources

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September 2023

My housing preferences



This tool helps you think about where you want to live, who you would like to live with and the type of housing that you would like to live in. You can use this tool to tell your housing story and work out your housing goals. You can cut and paste the information from this tool into housing application forms.

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August 2023

Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge

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The Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge Guide and Template are for health professionals to support a person with disability to describe the housing and support they want and need so that they can be discharged to suitable housing.

July 2023

About Specialist Disability Accommodation

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This resource provides an overview of housing options, including Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The role of SDA is explained along with how SDA payments, provided in an individual participant’s plan, flow through to a registered provider of SDA housing.

June 2023

SDA payments guide

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This guide explains what Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) payments are, who they are paid to and how they are accessed. For people who have SDA payments included in their NDIS Plan, it explains how to make the most of this funding.

June 2023

Mainstream housing options

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Most people with disability will not get Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in their NDIS plan, but still want to choose where they live and who they live with. This guide is for you. It explains the different types of mainstream housing (any housing that is not SDA) and will help you look for housing that suits you.

June 2023

Guide to NDIS pre-planning

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Pre-planning is the process of developing a detailed plan that is individualised to the NDIS participant, prior to the planning meeting with an NDIS planner. This resource describes how to use NDIS language and descriptions for disability related supports. It includes an example of a pre-plan template that incorporates NDIS legislative requirements.

Download the pre-plan template.

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June 2023

Disability supports and how NDIS defines them

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Supports are things that help you undertake daily life activities, participate in the community and reach your goals. These supports are defined in this resource.


June 2023

NDIS and Health: Working together

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A guide for health practitioners and NDIS staff supporting people in their journey from hospital admission, to discharge and safe and supported transition back into community life.

June 2023

Support Coordinators – who are they and how can they support me

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A support coordinator is someone paid by the NDIS to help you understand and implement your plan. They can help you with a range of of different things as outlined in this resource.

May 2023

Getting the language right

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How to write effective support documentation for people with disabilities and complex health and support needs seeking access to the NDIS.

May 2023

Moving into residential aged care – here’s how the NDIS can support you

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If you are under 65 and moving in to residential aged care, you may be able to access additional supports through the NDIS that are not available through aged care funding.

May 2023

Key NDIS roles and how they can support you

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Key NDIS support roles each have a different responsibility for making sure that you have the assistance you need to connect with the NDIS and make the most of the support and funding that the NDIS can offer you.

May 2023

Collaborative discharge approach – An overview

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A Collaborative Discharge Approach (CDA) is a process to ensure that people under 65 with disability or complex support needs in hospital can achieve an effective and timely discharge back into the community with NDIS supports. This overview provides a snapshot of how health can work with support coordinators to achieve this and includes links to resources that align with specific actions.

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May 2021

Welcome Home: Compliance education for SDA providers

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Welcome Home is a package of compliance education resources for registered providers of specialist disability accommodation (SDA). The resources are designed to help providers understand their service obligations under the NDIS Practice Standards for SDA (Module 5) and explore a rights-based approach to service delivery.

June 2019

Making a training video for support workers

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These resources can help you make a training video about what your support worker should know about you, how your support worker can support you to do something, or how your support worker should act with you. There are 5 resources to help a person make their training video. Some of these are for the person themselves and some are for other people or organisations.

June 2018

Hospital discharge video resources

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Occupational Therapists share their experience of the hospital discharge process for people with a newly-acquired disability.

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