Group 3

Who we are

Summer Foundation invests in identifying, designing and scaling up great ideas that deliver better housing and living solutions for 40,000 Australians with disability.

Established in 2006, we have a proven track record, delivering innovative solutions to improve the lives of people with disability. 

In collaboration with other organisations, we have helped 7,500 young people with disability avoid aged care.

But there is more to do to improve the quality of housing and living support options for Australians with disability who need access to 24/7 support.

We identify and rigorously test good housing and living support ideas and refine and scale up great ideas in partnership with the best and brightest minds.

We are home to one of Australia’s leading disability research teams. We want to build on this evidence base by collaborating with people with disability and like-minded organisations, including universities, technology innovators and service providers, to deliver better solutions. 

Our vision is to share these solutions with government and providers to help transform the disability sector. 

By challenging the status quo, we aim to set a new standard in housing and living supports – one that lifts expectations of what a good life and future can look like for Australians with disability with high support needs.

Our purpose

People who require access to 24/7 support have the right to equitable and inclusive housing, support and services.

Our belief

To identify, design and scale up innovative user-led housing and living solutions that are high-quality and affordable to government.

What we do

Deliver rigorous and practical evidence on the quality and cost of housing and living support options, outcomes for people with disability and what works

Authentic best practice co-design to ensure the people with disability are at the heart of everything we do   

Drive innovation in housing and living and partner with values aligned organisations to scale and accelerate sustainable impact     

Develop policy solutions to support and influence reform in housing and living for people with disability who need access to 24/7 support

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